The idea of 3000 Realms in a Single Thought-Moment was developed by Venerable Zhiyi (智顗) in his text called the Maka Shikan (摩訶止観), inspired by the likes of the Lotus sūtra, Huisi (南嶽慧思) and Nagarjuna.
To discuss the 3000 realms, we must break it down to its components.
10 Worlds
- Hell
- Pretas/Hungry Ghosts
- Animals
- Asuras
- Humans
- Devas
- Śrāvakas
- Pratyekabuddhas
- Bodhisattvas
- Buddhas
Lower realms (realms of rebirth)
The realm of constant and incessant suffering with no respite.
A realm of beings characterized by constant hunger and thirst that can never be satisfied.
A realm without widsom dominated by instinct and fear.
A realm of beings that are constantly angry, arrogant and jealous. They are constantly at war with Devas.
Our realm! Basically the middle point. While plagued by things affecting the lower realms, we possess wisdom and can ascend to higher realms with our actions.
In the realm of Devas, suffering is nearly non-existent. It is most similar to Heaven in other religions. However the key difference is that your stay is impermanent and you will fall down one day. This is why in Buddhism it is not an end goal.
Higher realms (realms of no rebirth)
Also known as Voice-Hearers, the realm of Arhats, beings who are no longer reborn.
The realm of those who realize the path and attain awakening on their own and do not teach others.
The realm of those with the aspiration to aid all sentient beings on their own path of enlightenment out of compassion.
The realm of those who are fully and perfectly awakened to the nature of all things.
Buddhists, including Zhiyi, believe that these are literal and physical realms we can be in. However, according to 3000 Realms in a Single Though-Moment, all of these realms inter-contain each other. At one moment, you can be in the human realm and in another, in the Preta realm. It is basically seeings all of these realms as psychological states. Have you ever been or seen someone see no end to their suffering? Forever desiring but never satisfied? Act without wisdom or reason? Act angry and arrogant? Well Adjusted? In a blissful state? That is the psychological dimension of the realms. Heaven and Hell are here and now! Just take a look around you at the state of the world, or even in your immediate surroundings, you fill find them.
None of these realms are exclusive, all beings contain each realm, meaning we contain Buddhahood, and that Buddhas and other enlightened beings are not separate from us. It is a very hopeful and inclusionary idea.
Since the 10 worlds contain 10 worlds, we reach 100 worlds. 10 x 10. We'll see the rest of what makes up the number right now.
30 Realms, or 10 factors of life within the the 3 realms of existence
The 10 factors of life are aspects or qualities that make up a phenomena. These are:
- Such a Form/phenomenon (相)
- Such a Nature/character (性)
- Such an Entity/embodiment (體)
- Such a Potency/ability (力)
- Such a Function/activity (作)
- Such a Primary cause/direct cause (因)
- Such a Relation/secondary cause (縁)
- Such a Latent Effect/result (果)
- Such a Manifest Effect/recompense (報)
- Such a Consistency from beginning to end/the whole (本末究竟等)
What is discernible.
Inherent qualities.
The union of form and nature.
Life's potential energy.
What is produced by life's energy.
One of the components of a cause that creates an effect.
The other components of a cause that create an effect.
A dormant effect that has not yet arisen due to the lack of the necessary conditions.
The observable effect.
All of the above factors are interrelated from moment to moment.
Since all of these factors are inherent to all phenomena, there are no differences between all beings. Meaning there is no difference between a Buddha and a human being fundamentally.
Finally, the three realms of existence. These are simply the material world that we live in:
- The Five Skandhas (五陰世間)
- The Realm of living beings (衆生世間)
- The Realm of the environment (國土世間)
These are form, sensations, perceptions, mental activities and discernment, what constitutes a being's interpretation of the world.
A living being as a whole.
The environment we live in.
The 10 factors and the 3 realms of existence contain each other, thus 10 x 3 = 30. Multiplying it by the 100 worlds, we reach 3000 realms. This is a rather arbitrary number, you should not think much about it.
In each incalulable small moment that makes up the continuity of your life, you can live in multiple realms simultaneously given your perception in that moment. Everything including your own suchness is interrelated and interconnected with all realms. A Buddha and an asura are made up of the same components as you, and you live in their realms. None of you are fundammentally separate. The rest is up to you to realize this in the present moment.
Have an excellent day.